
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

This is my first attempt at writing about a movie that actually inspired me and I have to say that I've had a lot to say about films that are life touching. They all bottle up in my mind as I feel the connection and emotions stirring up in my heart about all the ways the film inspires me. The thing is, I never jot down everything that runs through my head.

Maybe it's the laziness in me. And I'm just not that great with words. Plus I haven't written in a long time. It's been about 3 years since I've written a good page or two. I got the urge to write about such movies that touch my heart is when I started watching Netflix so for that, thank you Netflix.

My writing may not be everyone's style. But I'm gonna do this. So let me get started!

If you need some motivation in your life, I suggest you watch Chef. Whether you're a food lover or not, you just need to have a strong passion in your life of what ever it may be, and you will relate to this movie. I say this because, what ever it is you truly love to pursue in life, will not come easy. It takes a lot mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually to work your ass off to have it pay off someday.

Don't judge me, but the starring actor of this movie, Carl Casper, aka Jon Favreau, looked so familiar to me! I've seen him in movies, but didn't actually know his name and I had NO IDEA that he directed ALL of the Iron Man movies and I love Iron Man! Shame on me.

Another awesome fact about Chef, is that Jon Favreau directed and wrote it! How cool is that. He's the man! As I stated earlier, Carl Casper, a dad and a chef... and I felt him on every level.

The struggle of being a chef at a restaurant that someone else owns and there's not a good relationship there between the chef and the owner, and you have to keep in mind that the chef who is the creative art of food in any restaurant, to have such an owner stop or limit a chef from doing his thing in the kitchen, is just no bueno.

Now I don't want to spoil the movie, but the part that I really felt for Carl the most, is the when he just loses it with the critique, who had badly criticized his work on social media. Like I was rooting for him! Sometimes it doesn't look so good, but it happens in real life. We lose it. We take it out. I felt his anger, I felt how hurt he was, because of the hard work he put in the kitchen to bring out a plate for the critique. Even though the plates weren't in the chef's favor to put out there, he still gave it his all.

Critiques will always be around. Whether you're an average Joe or someone that's trying to make a name for yourself, I guarantee you, that there will be a hater.

You can be the ripest juiciest peach in the world, but there will always be someone who hates peaches. Dita Von Teese  

So despite Carl's hater and leaving the restaurant, I admire how he kept it moving with his life and how he didn't sugar coat anything with his son, Percy. As a parent, being a chef is not the most lavish career, but Carl kept it real. I loved how honest and disciplined he was with his son in certain situations in the movie. Work is work. It's tough. And when you know you're calling, none of that matters. You do what you have to do to make it. No matter the circumstances... That's what I took from watching this film.

But wait up, it's not all sad though! There are so many funny parts in the movie too! You will just have to see it for yourself. And the cast are pretty amazing! All of my favorite actors where in it that I did not expect to show up!!! Well I expected Sofia Vergara (my woman crush), but Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, and Russell Peters just to name a few. Super awesome cast!

As a wife, mother, makeup artist, cooking enthusiast, and a human being who is trying to accomplish something in life, I really related to this movie. Jon Favreau and the cast do an amazing job at show casing what goes in real life at whatever path you choose, in one way or another.

Not gonna lie, I kinda sorta wanted to start my own food truck business after watching the movie. A Lebanese/Shawarma food truck. Now that would be legit! And so yummy! If you didn't know I have a love for food and cooking. To have my own restaurant would be a dream come true.

Again, if you want something good to watch on Netflix, go watch this movie! You will feel so good and ready to take on the world. In hopes you start putting work in the thing you're passionate about.

On an ending note, here's my favorite quote from the movie, it's where Carl gives a speech to his son after an incident,

I may not do everything great in my life, but I'm good at this. I manage to touch people's lives with what I do and I want to share this with you.

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