❧ Ramadan Kareem ☙

Thursday, June 25, 2015

☽ Happy Ramadan to all the Muslims around the world!

Today is Ramadan day 8! This Ramadan also marks the 14th year my family & I celebrating this holy holiday in the U.S. 

And honestly.. there's nothing like Ramadan in either Lebanon or Kuwait with family back home. I miss it so much! Like I deeeeeply miss it. The word 'Miss' is an understatement. 

But I miss the family gatherings, food, desserts, the azan (a daily call to prayer 5 times a day from the mosque), Ramadan t.v. shows, the Ramadan spirit, and the 'Tabal' (a man who plays the drums in super early mornings) for Suhoor time to wake up the people who are fasting to eat before fajr (sun rise), for the long day ahead of fasting until sunset.

There's something so magical about Ramadan time. 

I crave this time of the month back home. Especially when you don't know how to cook certain foods and have no idea how to make any of the desserts. It's hard y'all. It takes time though. Inshallah I will get there and make my family a delicious feast! 

Which is actually my goal this month. To try and learn at least 5 dishes to cook for my family. Sorry if you're fasting and you're about to read this, your mouth is about to water as mine is already watering just from the thought of the dishes I'm about to name.

So here they are, 

Shish Barak
Kousa bil Laban


If you have no sense of what you just read, just google them. Ya might like what ya see. 

By the way, I am not able to fast this year. Inshallah next year I will with my family. But my husband Eden is fasting! He fasted last year with me too and he's not even Muslim. This year he's doing it. Mashallah I am so proud of him! So blessed to have him. I admire his strength and courage to fast working hours under the sun, especially the two days out the week that he has to work all day at his second job. May God accept his fasting and grant him all the rewards Ramadan offers.

Inshallah Allah accepts the fasting of all the people. And may the people come out of this Ramadan with re-newed souls for the better.

The time of Ramadan is a time of mercy, prayer, peace, forgiveness, love, humanity, and unity. As it should be every day of the year. 

I hope that people don't just gain hunger and thirst when fasting, I hope you gain appreciation of the blessings you are given everyday. A closer spiritual connection to Allah. To carry on goodness long after Ramadan.

Most importantly, I pray for the people who don't have families. The people who are alone and lost. Pray for the people in countries who are suffering due to hunger, war, racism, and cruelty. How horrible is it to be forbidden from Ramadan? Because your Muslim.. to have to be killed if you are caught practicing your faith...  it shouldn't be going on any more. But it still exist. 

May Allah guide and protect them. I pray that we all do what we are able for those in need. 

& may Allah bless you and protect you from all your sins. May peace, joy, and hope be filled in your home. Have a blessed Ramadan!

رمضان كريم و كل عام وانتم بخير


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