◈ Believe & Focus ◈

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Being in my twenties, I am so glad I have learned this!

Do you ever feel like your life is wasted.. Missing out on opportunities.. The emptiness inside you has you feeling like.. what is life? Does being in this funk ever end? Where are you going? Self doubting.. Not enough courage.. Having the front seat of people's success and happiness.. But what about you? 

All of that I have felt inside. And to go through it.. it's crappy. So if you find yourself in this mental and emotional state, here is what I have to say.

 #1 this is no bueno. 
#2 it's okay because you are AWARE of it. 
#3 DO SOMETHING about it. 

It all comes down to CHOICE. 

Yes, there will always be some kind of trials and challenges to come our way, but we do have the power to change things that just doesn't make us feel good. Change the things we can and truly accept the things we can't. Let God take care of it all. 

So why is it so easy to get stuck in the negatives, yet it's so hard to work on being consistently happy. Well that's a part of life. You need to put in effort. It's work. But the reward is priceless. Always remember that weakness is a blessing in disguise and you are stronger than you think you are.  
No matter what place you come from or what you've been through, you will overcome. People's opinions of you is none of your business. 

Stand your ground and don't let anyone tell you other wise. Every one's path is unique and different. We all experience similar situations, differently. We all struggle and go through hard times our own way. What works for them might not work for you, and what works for you, might not work for them. What ever it is, please don't ever be discouraged. Go for it! What do you have to lose? 

Move along and keep fighting the good fight. Do something you know you're passionate about. Work hard at it. You never know where it can take you. Every day do something little, so that one day it can turn to big things. You might not know of the wonderful things you are capable of, but try anyway, because you only know. Sometimes you have to tune out the world and listen from deep within to elevate your life. You just might amaze yourself. 

It's so important for all of us to believe in ourselves and focus on what we have to gain.

Honestly speaking from personal experience, I've had times where I am so uplifted and motivated to embark on amazing things I want to achieve.. and one day I wake up and lose that spark. Or in the most random moment have a change of heart. I don't know what is it. Maybe I bring it upon myself? Sometimes I will get stuck in this funk and stop for a while. But I know I will overcome it, because I have done it before. I find that spark again. 

It's just the fear of going through it repeatedly and you never know when it will hit. What helps about it though, is that I've learned that there is no shame on how many times you've fallen, just always pick yourself back up. Again, again, and again. I truly admire that in people. 

It's okay to stop and rethink things, but as long as you rise above it. If you ever fall, make it a goal to come back twice as hard! So inshallah (God willing) we will always find our way. You might have a different belief, but I can't deny the fact that praying to God is my way of living through life. 

We are meant to live and thrive. Discover. Learn. Grow. Help. Inspire. Be inspired. Do you. Be YOU. 

Not trying to sound like a know it all, but every thing I've said is from having these talks with myself and my family by going through difficulties. I hope this helps you. If you came down this far, I hope you are doing magnificent! Comment below if you relate. ☺


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