Sunset Sweater Weather

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

✿ Hi there!

Doing a Style photoshoot has been one of the things I wanted to do for my blog for a while now... well I finally did it! And it wouldn't of been possible without the help of amazing Amy! She is a photographer and my sister. ☺How lucky am I?! The photoshoot took place at a beautiful park near by. It was a little chilly, but it went so well! I know I wanted my sister to be a part of this journey with me from the beginning and I am so happy I teamed up with her. Lhamdellah we were able to make it work! We went right at sunset and my talented sister did her magic. 

I was in AWE looking at the pictures. Inshallah there will be more to come soon! Please give a 'LIKE ✔' on my sister's FB photography page, 

Enjoy!  ♥

This is actually a simple plain black dress I have under neath the sweater, it's not a skirt. 

Sweater - Old Navy
Black Dress - Forever 21
Black boots - Forever 21

Maali xoxo

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